Bus Routes

Click on the link below and search for your address. Please note that this is new software and we are continuing to work on the data throughout the school year. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the transportation department at 219-365-3141.

Find Bus Route

Please be advised that buses can arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled pickup/drop off time, or 5 minutes after your scheduled pickup/drop off time.


Please use the information on this web site as a guide when using any form of Lake Central School Corporation transportation.

If you need assistance with your child’s transportation, please contact the bus barn during normal business hours:

Monday – Friday — 6am-5pm (219) 365-3141.

Our goal is to transport your child in a safe and effective manner.  We’re committed to your child’s safety!

  • Transportation is available for all students regardless of distance from their assigned school.
  • Students should be at their assigned bus stop FIVE MINUTES PRIOR to pick up time. The pickup time listed in Infofinder under ‘Find my Bus Route’ is an estimated time. The time may be amended during the first few weeks of school.
  • It is important that the student is at their stop and not inside the house or in the garage waiting for the bus. The driver is not required to stop if the child is not out at their assigned stop.
  • Students are to board and exit the bus at their assigned stop. Due to safety concerns, buses will not return for students who are not at their stop when the bus arrives.
  • Students will be permitted to ride another bus only in emergency situations.  Play dates, babysitting, group projects, and the like are not considered emergency situations. Please arrange for such transportation in advance using other methods.
  • Students are to ride their assigned buses only. Parents must contact their student’s school and then the transportation department for permission before students will be allowed to ride a different bus. These procedures are in place to protect students and prevent instances of missing students. These procedures also allow Principals or their representatives to be aware of the situation.
  • Walking distance to stops is based upon school of attendance. Generally, elementary students will have a shorter walk, middle school students will have a longer walk, and high school students will have a longer walk than elementary or middle school students.
  • The walk distance to a bus stop will be based upon multiple factors, including but not limited to: grade level, number of students in the vicinity of a stop, and issues particular to the route.  The fact that there are no sidewalks will not be a determining factor to justify house stops. Only special needs students will have house stops, all other house stops will be determined on an individual basis.  Pick-ups in cul de sac’s or no outlet streets will be determined on an individual basis, but are generally discouraged. The stop will be at the corner of the connecting street.
  • One pick up and drop off point for all students. All students will have one location to be picked up and dropped off.  Students may not switch pick up and drop off locations unless there is an emergency and only then if it is cleared through the transportation office.  DAILY CHANGES WILL NOT BE APPROVED. This does not apply to shared custody issues that have been submitted to the transportation department and approved in advance.
  • The Bus Conduct and Safety Rules are designed to promote safety on the school bus at all times.  The safety of all students is our top priority.  Therefore, each student is expected to cooperate fully by obeying the rules.
  • The authority of the bus driver, who is in charge of the bus, will be recognized and supported by all.  Transportation privileges may be suspended for continuous misbehavior or lack of cooperation with the driver.  For everyone’s safety, the bus driver must be able to hear traffic sounds such as sirens, and the driver is to be obeyed by students quickly and efficiently.
  • School bus transportation is a privilege and is not guaranteed for you by law.  Transportation can be taken away if students choose to disobey or violate any of the safety and conduct rules.  If transportation privileges are denied, then parents or guardians are responsible for getting their children to and from school.
  • Parents and students should familiarize themselves with school bus regulations. When students do not follow the rules, they jeopardize the safety of everyone on the bus.  Students who do not follow the rules and regulations or who refuse to follow the directions of the bus driver may lose riding privileges.
  • Cell phones are allowed to be used on the buses until the use of the phone is a distraction for the driver. Students passing their phone around, trying to take another student’s phone, or viewing media which causes disruption on the bus would be examples of a distraction. Ear phones/earbuds must be used on the bus when listening to music or other media. In addition, cell phones should not be used to take photos or videos of other students in order to prevent potential bullying. Students will be warned once and if they continue to use the phone in an unsatisfactory manner, disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Large boxes or overly large instruments are not allowed on the bus. These items can block the main aisle and will not allow the students to exit the bus in case of an accident. In addition, they cannot be secured properly and could potentially be a hazard during a crash or emergency stop. Instruments must be held in a student’s lap. They cannot be placed in an empty seat. Please arrange to drop off and/or pick up your student if they possess a large item.
  • School bus drivers can only pickup and drop-off riders at an authorized regular daily stop.  Drivers cannot make changes to stops without authorization from the student’s school or the Transportation Department.  Transportation for non-school related functions is the parent’s responsibility. Only those students eligible for transportation are entitled to ride a bus that has been assigned to them.
  • Lake Central School Corporation cannot provide transportation for special events such as birthday parties, sleepovers, a homework project, to complete community service hours, or for a job. The requests cannot be permitted for safety reasons. As stated above, Transportation for non-school related functions is the parent’s responsibility.
  • All kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian/older sibling for the afternoon routes.  If no one is at the stop, the student will be taken back to school.
  • Be at your stop 5 minutes prior to the pick-up time – not in your garage, your house, or on the porch.
  • Stay 10 steps back from the bus until the bus is stopped, you hear the air brake being applied, and the doors are open.
  • If crossing – DO NOT CROSS until given the crossing signal from the driver. Look both ways before crossing. No headphones/earbuds are to be worn.
  • Respect the driver and follow all directions.
  • No talking or noise at railroad crossings.
  • Promptly sit and apply your safety belt if so equipped. Stay in your seat, facing forward.
  • Backpacks on the floor or in your lap. Nothing can remain in the aisle.
  • No screaming, yelling, name calling, or bad language. Talk in a reasonable, conversational tone.
  • No fighting, pushing, shoving – keep your hands to yourself. No throwing items on the bus.
  • Windows to be open only halfway. No body parts should be outside the window. Objects should not be thrown from the bus.
  • No eating or drinking on the bus. No vaping/smoking of any kind.
  • Keep the bus clean and free from damage. Parents will be responsible for any repair costs
  • for any damage caused. Throw garbage in the trash can, not the floor of the bus.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the greatest risk to children isn’t riding school buses; it’s approaching or leaving them. The “Danger Zone” is the area surrounding the bus where children are hard to see.  We want your children to be safe when they travel to and from school.  Please help us by observing the following:

    • If your student misses the bus at their regular stop, do not follow the bus to the next stop and let your child walk/run beside the bus to get on. The driver cannot see the student in the danger zone, especially if it is dark and could possibly hit them as they pull away from the stop. Take your student to school.
    • Tell your student to stay at least 10 feet away (ten steps away) from the bus until they begin to enter. Children will be able to see the driver and the driver can see them.
    • If children are crossing the street, they must wait for a driver’s signal to proceed. They should also look both ways before crossing.
    • Warn your student that, if they drop something, they should never pick it up. Instead, they should tell the driver and follow the driver’s instructions. If they bend over to pick up a dropped object, they might not be seen by the driver and could be hurt if the driver pulls away from the stop.
    • Remind students to look to the right before they step off the bus. Car drivers in a hurry sometimes try to sneak by the bus on the right hand side.
    • Teach your student to secure loose drawstrings and other objects that may get caught in the handrail or door of the bus as they are exiting.
    • If you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street. Children can be so excited at seeing you after school that they may dash across the street and forget the safety rules.

The Indiana State Police would like to remind motorists of the Indiana law concerning school buses, flashing lights and stop arms.

  • When approaching a school bus, from any direction, which is stopped with its flashing red lights activated and its stop arm extended, motorists are required to STOP, even on multiple lane highways, with the ONLY exception being-
  • Motorists who are on a highway that is divided by a barrier or unimproved median are required to stop only if they are traveling the same direction as the school bus. If there is no unimproved median or barrier, then all lanes in all directions must stop.
  • Remember, when approaching a school bus be prepared to stop and watch for slowed or stopped traffic.
  • Disregarding a school bus stop arm is a serious violation and one that school bus drivers report. Violation of this law is a Class “A” misdemeanor; it becomes a felony if any injury or death occurs as a result of the violation. It is punishable by a maximum fine of $10,000.

The Indiana State Police is committed to the safety of our children, motorists and highways, and will continue our enforcement and education efforts to ensure that safety.

Is my child eligible for bus transportation?
All students who live inside the school district’s boundaries are eligible for school bus transportation.

Who do I call if the bus does not arrive?
After 20 minutes have passed for the regular pick up/drop off time, you should call the Transportation Department at (219) 365-3141.

I noticed my child’s bus drives past my home.  Can the driver stop at my house to pick up and drop off my child?
Only special needs students are eligible for curbside bus stop service. On general education routes, a house pickup will be based on limited circumstances on a case by case basis, such as traffic conditions in the area.

Can I require that my child be released only to me at the bus stop?
Only certain designated students, whose needs are addressed through an IEP or 504 plan and pre-K, or Kindergarten, are eligible for “must be met” service. These parents have an obligation to meet the bus every day or risk forfeiture of transportation service. For all other students, the parent/guardian is responsible for meeting the bus if they deem it appropriate.

Who do I call if my address or phone number changes?
The school should be contacted as soon as possible with address or telephone number change information. The school will then notify the Transportation Department. Remember, this information is used to verify your child’s eligibility for transportation services and to contact you in the event of an emergency. It is very important that it remain current and valid.

I arrived home late from work and I cannot find my child. Who should I call?
Call the Transportation Department at (219) 365-3141.  “Must be met”students are usually returned to school if they are not met. If the student is not a “must be met” student, our transportation staff can assist in locating your child.

I would like to arrange for my child to be transported to an after-school child care facility. What do I need to do?
Call the Transportation Department at (219) 365-3141. If the care facility is within the school corporation boundaries and serviced by an existing bus route, then accommodations can be made.

Can my child ride the bus home with a friend after school?
No. Students are not permitted to ride to or from an alternate location with a friend. In the event of a serious family emergency, contact your student’s school as early as possible so alternate arrangements can be explored.

We are divorced and share custody of our child. Can we alternate buses and bus stops for my children?
If there is shared custody of a student, one of the parents can email the Transportation Department and provide the necessary information. The other parent’s contact information must be provided so that Transportation can confirm the shared custody situation and make sure all involved are satisfied with the pick-up and drop off details.

How are bus stops determined?
In determining school bus routes and school bus stop locations, the following guidelines shall be used by the Lake Central School Corporation to the extent possible:

  • Safety first!
  • Student eligibility for transportation
  • Pick up and drop off must be the same
  • Corners will be used the majority of the time for consistency year to year.
  • Combined bus stops for two or more families living in proximity
  • Use of public highways and not private roadways
  • Ease and safety of loading/unloading the bus
  • No stopping on a 4-lane roadway that would require a student to cross the road
  • Leaving the main roadway where visibility is limited or the bus must cross the center line
  • Avoiding cul-de-sacs or dead-end roadways where buses can’t turn around safely
  • Any other state regulations and safety practices

What if my child needs medication, like an inhaler, on the bus?
Please fill out a permission to carry form that can be found under medical forms at https://lcsc.us/departments/health-services/. You can also find the school nurse directory at the website. Please contact your students school nurse for any medical concerns and the nurse will be able to help you further.